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I began carving around 1970, having grown up in the small town of Forked River New Jersey where duck hunting was popular.  Barnegat bay is famous for its duck hunting.  My dad was carving at the time, so I began carving.  In the 1970’s I carved some decorative decoys for contest, I did pretty well.  My dad also entered contests. I remember in the early 70’s going to Salisbury Md. For the world championships.  I saw Lem Ward talking about decoys; he was a great inspiration for many carvers.  My dad carved shorebirds while I carved decorative decoys.  I also at the time made many gunning decoys for my own use.  I could not have had better youth hunting, fishing, and trapping on Barnegat bay.  My dad was always there to help me with my carving & painting.  Later a good friend of mine Jim West also helped me with my painting.  In the 1980’s I started going to the Tuckerton Decoy show, selling my decoys.  Over the years I have won many awards for my decoy’s entered into the shows contest.  In 2001 I won first place for my rig of twelve Ruddy ducks.  I haven’t entered any contest in a few years, concentrating on carving decoys for sale.